Olen alati võidelnud internetivabaduse eest (k.a anonüümsete kommentaatorite õiguste eest); vähemalt siis, kui olin Riigikogus, oli see ka meie erakonna ametlik positsioon. Mul pole põhjust arvata, et see on vahepeal muutunud. Lähtudes asjaolust, et PRISMi rakendamine on Euroliidus seadusvastane, saatsin täna eurokomisjoni presidendile José Manuel Barrosole järgmise kirja (koopia eurokomisjoni Eesti esinduse juhile Hannes Rummile):
Mr. President,
As we have learned, the NSA's PRISM program is monitoring the electronic activity of EU citizens, including the content of e-mails and private conversations. President Barack Obama and the Director of NSA Keith Alexander have basically admitted to it. They have justified such measures: these avoid terrorist attacks and protect the lives of US citizens. As for the rights of US citizens, these are secured by the legal system of the US. Unfortunately, the legal system of the US does not by any means secure the rights of EU citizens. At this point, the wave of protests is directed against NSA, however, the essence of an intelligence agency is the espionage. A different matter is that the agents of NSA are publicly operating on the territory of EU, who are engaged in illegal activities. The names of these agents are disclosed: Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, Paltalk, YouTube, AOL, Skype, Apple. Since such operations are in conflict with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, it is my deepest conviction that the European Commission has to suspend the activities of these corporations on the territory of EU, until the present crisis has been solved.
Sincerely yours,
Mihhail Lotman,
Head of City Council of Tartu, Estonia
Professor of Tallinn University,
Senior Researcher of the University of Tartu